Let’s Call It a Draw(ing Surface) – Dive Into HTML5
Great easy read-up on <canvas> support in HTML5.
HTML 5 defines the <canvas> element as “a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly.â€
Let’s Call It a Draw(ing Surface) – Dive Into HTML5.
Also: Mozilla canvas tutorial and CanvasDemos.com.
God Mode Easter Egg
Elegant Code
via God Mode Easter Egg.
Why programmers are not paid in proportion to their productivity
The Endeavour
Programmers are most effective when they avoid writing code. They may realize the problem they’re being asked to solve doesn’t need to be solved, that the client doesn’t actually want what they’re asking for. They may know where to find reusable or re-editable code that solves their problem. They may cheat. But just when they are being their most productive, nobody says “Wow! You were just 100x more productive than if you’d done this the hard way.
via Why programmers are not paid in proportion to their productivity.
This Dumb Decade: The 87 Lamest Moments in Tech
via This Dumb Decade: The 87 Lamest Moments in Tech, 2000-2009.
★ More on PastryKit
Daring Fireball
Lastly, there’s the question of how concerned Apple is, strategically, that a robust web app API and market would take away from the App Store. And if so, are they worried about the money? I’d guess probably not. I don’t think Apple’s 30 percent cut of App Store revenue is anything to sneeze at, and it’s growing fast. But there’s no question that the App Store exists to sell iPhones and iPod Touches, not the other way around.
The best video games of 2009
Chrome Extensions and webOS Applications
Working in the now
Wait till I come!
- Design Patterns, Design Pattern Stencils
- CSS frameworks: YUI grids, YAML, 960, Blueprint
- Exceptional Performance Tips, YSlow, Hammerhead
- Fix your picture sizes with smushit.com
- Page widgets (things that HTML doesn’t have): YUI, jQuery UI
- Build an own search engine with Yahoo BOSS
- YouTube API
- Amazon S3 for storage
- Batch video conversion with Amazon S3 and EC2
- Captioning on a shoestring with CastingWords
- Mechanical Turk
via Working in the now – video of my talk at Paris Web released.